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Circlecore | CircleCore
Smart Mexican Mobility

Smart Mexican Mobility

SMART MEXICAN MOBILITY We had the pleasure to advise a founder manager on an ecological mobility project in the city center. Our legal partner Legalrights has supported the founder in the structuring of the contract and on the resolution of a dispute relating to a...


CircleCore is pleased to announce a new partnership with the legal advisor “LegalRights”. LegalRights will support us on all commercial and labour projects. We are deeply grateful for the trust placed in our professional association. www.legalrights.fr...
« Winning Project 2021 »

« Winning Project 2021 »

"Winning Project 2021 Circlecore has advised Mr Bensoussan the founder of a company specialised in real estate advisory in Paris . Circlecore had the pleasure to set up brain storming sessions  based on customized objectives. This mission was characterized by a...


Circlecore is  thrilled to partner with Kap Consulting. This company  is located in Africa region of Senegal at Dakar, they are specialised in digital and legal advisory. We expect to build  together a synergy and hope that this upgrade will have benefit for our...
Ahoenou s’exporte à l’international…

Ahoenou s’exporte à l’international…

La start-up Africaine  Ahoenou  a été créée en Novembre 2016, elle produit et commercialise des bouillons culinaires 100% bio sous la marque Africube. En 2019 nous avons eu le plaisir de pouvoir accompagner la structure durant son premier cycle de développement. Nous...